VOLUNTARIADO INTERNACIONAL – Alemanha (1577) – Projeto Educação Especial com crianças

Detalhe da Oferta:

VOLUNTARIADO INTERNACIONAL – Alemanha (1577) – Projeto Educação Especial com crianças

Duração: 12 meses de 01-01-2013 a 31-12-2013

Local: Alemanha

Horário: 5 dias por semana, 5 horas por dia. Férias: 2 dias por cada mês de duração de projeto

Condições: Alojamento, Alimentação, Viagens, vistos, vacinas, Seguro, formação linguística, Acompanhamento pessoal, ciclo de formação e avaliação, férias (2 dias por cada mês), transporte local, subsídio mensal (105,00€).

Vagas: 1


Our organization cares for about 40 mentally handicapped children. Some of them have additional physical disabilities.
Our aim is to give the children as much independence as possible in order to prepare them for life as adults. In doing this we pay particular attention to the individual development possibilities which are not only dependant on the degree of disability. The children live in family-like communes of eight people. Our care team consists of 50 colleagues: teachers, physiotherapists, psychologists, cooks etc.
As volunteers you will support the team and the children in their day to day life and organize small project.

- interested in social work
- Age: 18 until 30 years old
- possession of a driving licence
- some experience in working with children
- creativity
- other interest in art: art craft, music...


- The volunteers are bound tightly into the team and take part in the team discussions. In addition there are regular meetings with the tutor.
- Volunteers who have special skills or interests (i.e. music or creativity) can deploy these under the direction of our specialists for smaller projects with the children. This means that these activities are continually evident in the youngsters day.

We particularly wish to see activities which promote the independence of our youngsters as well as intercultural aspects. as our youngsters are generally at school in the mornings the main weight of care time falls in the afternoon and evening. The exceptions are holiday periods.

Every now and again it may be necessary to assist one of our specialists in the morning by escorting a youngster to the doctor or local authority.

Documentação: CV e Carta de Motivação em inglês

Mais Informações: http://www.sve.pt/vaga/aberta/1577

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