VOLUNTARIADO INTERNACIONAL – França (2529) – Projeto Animação e campo de férias
Duração: 12 meses de 01-07-2013 a 30-06-2014
Local: França
Horário: 5 dias por semana, 5 horas por dia. Férias: 2 dias por cada mês de duração de projeto
Condições: Alojamento, Alimentação, Viagens, vistos, vacinas, Seguro, formação linguística, Acompanhamento pessoal, ciclo de formação e avaliação, férias (2 dias por cada mês), transporte local, subsídio mensal (125,00€).
Vagas: 2
The social and economical environment of the region is very pleasing. Real estate prices are high and therefore have a selective function. We have two buildings: the association's recive young people aged 11 years and older and provides "leisure centre" which is integrated in the local school.
We are placed in a rural area which makes it even more important to propose activities to the youth. Most importantly, we wish to enrich our openness towards Europe. Therefore we would like to instate selection criteria which are "open and accessible for everyone". Our goal is to, Europeanise' the willingness to promote social solidarity already existing at local level.
- able to co-animate our youth groups
- open-mindedness
- age: 18-30 years old
The young volunteer (or the two one) will have to face three different tasks:
The tasks for those two volunteer are the same so we only speak for a single one in this part.
1 - a task of co-animation and accompaniment
-project no. 1
The duties of the volunteer will concern the co-animation and accompaniment of children aged from 6 to 12 years, depending on his/her abilities and motivation. He/she will accompany the animators and will help them carrying out the activities. He/she will be able to share his/her experiences as a volunteer and to propose activities for young people that exist in his/her country.
This intercultural dimension can also show in different workshops (cooking, singing, languages). In addition to that, he/she can teach them new games.
There are different places and possibilities for these activities and cultural exchanges to take place:
- the leisure centre of the community
- creating flyers and other communication material
- the CEJ (Contrat Enfance Jeunesse/youth and children contract) which has been created by the two primary schools of the community (activities, education and workshops concerning sport, environment and music)
-project no. 2
In addition to project no. 1, the duties of the volunteer will also concern the co-animation and the accompaniment of teenagers (12-18 years).
He/she will be able to share his/her experiences as a volunteer and to propose activities for young people that exist in his/her country.
This intercultural dimension can also show in different workshops proposed to the teenagers (music, linguistic games). In addition to that, he/she can also share his/her abilities in the field of sport and art (painting, plastic arts, dancing, modern music etc.).
All of this can take place in the course of the following activities:
- the youth centre
- camps during the holidays
- creating flyers and ohter communication material
- help with information of our "youth information point"
- sensibilization concerning European mobility
- help organising and setting up exchange projects
2 - a specific task
The volunteer will also have the possibility to create his/her own project (if he/she wishes to do so) for and with the help of French young people, concerning the topic 'citizenship'. Our organisation will provide methodological, logistic or any other kind of support for the volunteer.
The (or those) volunteer(s) will be accommodated in a small flat right in the centre of the town, close to all the different shops and services.
Documentação: CV e Carta de Motivação em inglês
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