VOLUNTARIADO INTERNACIONAL – Albânia (2456) – Projeto Espaço Jovem

Detalhe da Oferta:

VOLUNTARIADO INTERNACIONAL – Albânia (2456) – Projeto Espaço Jovem

Duração: 10 meses de 01-02-2013 a 01-12-2013

Local: Albânia

Horário: 5 dias por semana, 5 horas por dia. Férias: 2 dias por cada mês de duração de projeto

Condições: Alojamento, Alimentação, Viagens, vistos, vacinas, Seguro, formação linguística, Acompanhamento pessoal, ciclo de formação e avaliação, férias (2 dias por cada mês), transporte local, subsídio mensal (50,00€).

Vagas: 1


Thirteen years after the end of the Kosovo conflict, there are many changes and much has improved. At the same time, inter-ethnic tensions persist; some minority communities suffer from restricted freedom of movement, limited employment opportunities, lack of adequate housing, and social marginalization. Civil participation in the political structures and processes remains low, as does social capital in the form of voluntarism. The future for Kosovo’s young people is uncertain.

Tens of thousands of young people (over 50% of the population are under age 25) are unemployed and have little prospect of finding work. There is little contact between young people of different ethnicities. Since its foundation BSF worked for social reconstruction through voluntarism believing that voluntary efforts can extend opportunity to disenfranchised communities, can forge links between different ethnic communities, promote self-help initiatives and self-reliance, and encourage people to become more active in their communities.

In this context this project aims at involving young Europeans in BSF's activities to allow them to exchange experience in Kosovo while learning about education in an international and disadvantaged environment.

This seeks to achieve the following objectives:

1) Voluntarism: encourage active participation of young people with fewer opportunities in their local communities;
2) Multiculturalism: foster mutual understanding among young people from diverse cultural backgrounds through common work and shared daily experience;
3) Social inclusion: develop young people's awareness and commitment to tackling issues of poverty and marginalization for a more inclusive society through direct work with young people with fewer opportunities.

These objectives directly address Youth in Action objectives and priorities, in particular to promote young people’s active citizenship, to develop solidarity and promote tolerance in order to foster social inclusion in the EU enlargement process.

These Learning Centers serve the underprivileged minority children of these communities by providing pre-school, after-school homework help, an educational summer program and majority language lessons. The children come from ethnic groups that are in one way or another marginalized, mainly from the Ashkali, Roma, and Egyptian communities.


- Ability to work independently and as part of a team
- In good physical and mental health
- Able and willing to live and work in an environment with restricted power and water supplies, and increased environmental challenges
- General interest in working with children
- Interest in one of the themes: science and environment, art, music
- Willing to adapt to a culture very different to their own; this means eating different food, participating in cultural events, being sensitive to religious customs and traditions
- Positive attitudes toward working in multi-cultural environments
- Enthusiastic willingness to work with underprivileged youth Some volunteers will live in isolated communities undertaking challenging work in a politically sensitive environment therefore it is important that they arrive with an open mind.


- The volunteers will be involved in daily activities run by the Centers.
- create fun activities in science and environment, art, and music in order to supplement the formal education of the children.
- They will be encouraged to use interactive and participatory methods to catch children’s attention, and stimulate creativity and critical thinking.
- Assist the staff of the Learning Center in day-to-day activities;
- Develop activities each week in the areas of science and environment, art,and music, as per the specific volunteer role description prepared in discussion;
- Conduct activities to promote voluntarism and to encourage the involvement of Kosovar youth;


Volunteers will typically live with host families.

Documentação: CV e Carta de Motivação em inglês

Mais Informações: http://www.sve.pt/vaga/aberta/2456/

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